The nanotechnology concept phone

Omg... this is the most coolest thing i ever seen :O. The future of all phone.

This phone is soo flexible, stretchable, transparent, remarkably strong and it can shape shape and design. For example... like taking pictures of a purple hat. Then it will be a purple bracelet stars... lol :D so its also a wearable device.
And its also self-cleaning. This phone you can just throw it in the hot freakin boiling pool or in the dirty mud... if i have this phone i can just throw anywhere i wanted to :D
It can even charge under the sun... its solar power man ( like koopman) Its an advance power source. It charges super quick and long lasting. It also can sense the environment. It have some kinda nanosensors in it, so it can analyze the environment like temperature and humidity... or maybe it can detect Susan when she's coming. So i can make a quick run for it :P. it can even enhance our health. Too bad im not getting this in my lifetime
... i born to early :P